Monday, June 11, 2007


It's been a long time, away from my short posts. Digitising, restoring, blah blah! System crashes and restores, re-installations, missing battery charger, mobile phone going auto-mobile, sim-replacements, viral fever, rum overdose, sokpa discussions, party @ lisa's, wet-rides... the latest wet ride being the one i went to yesterday... me and kapu! To ranka, through martam, on to sang and then into some vague hamlets in between, and somewhere along the way comes the fresh fish, fish fresh, i dont have a fish fetish, for the record. Fish on a bamboo leash! So, thats it, a fishy comeback, somethings fishy!


MockingBird said...

I don't like fish. I mean the dead ones. Last week, one of our goldfish died due to over-feeding and I caught other fishes feeding on its belly! Ewww...! How gross!

Jerusha said...

We call those types dil sangha in my language, love them.

MockingBird said...

George Bernard Shaw observed that, under the crazy rules of English, "fish" could logically be spelled "ghoti" ("gh" as in "enough," "o" as in "women" and "ti" as in nation). Had just read that somewhere before visiting your blog :)